>Home Sweet Home

14 Apr


As some of you may know, I closed my practice and have taken on the role of stay at home mom! After seven years of studying, a masters degree and four plus years in practice, I had to say goodbye to that part of my life and start a new leg of the journey. Now I describe myself as a full time mum that had a part time job!!!
I thought that staying at home meant, more time to sleep-in, read my favorite books, take leisurely baths and the likes… well was I surprised that being at home has been like a black-hole for MY time!!! While doing night shift, Samuel has been gracious enough to only wake between six fifteen and six forty-five in the morning (and let me just add that he is not sleeping through the night)! My son only sleeps for an hour at a time when he naps during the day and I’ve come to realize that that is just enough time to shower (well, spritz is more like it), brush my teeth, change into the days’ outfit (which is usually a tracksuit of sorts) and eat (jungle oats if I’m lucky or plain ol’ kellogs corn flakes if I’m not). And brushing my hair is a luxury, so it my trust old faithful stocking (which deserves a blog all on its own) until midday or last night’s ponytail that gets neatened in a rush!!!
Since its been two or so weeks, I must admit that it has been a good time so far but then again anyone would be blessed with a two week holiday, its about what happens when all of this honeymooning at home is over!!! I’ve trawled the malls with my mother and baby in toe, been to spa treatments for my birthday and generally just lounged around and yes, performed wifely duties of fixing a hot meal for my hard-working husband when he gets home. Don’t get me wrong, I am having a ball with my son and loving being there when he wakes, singing him to sleep at nap time and being able to breastfeed at this point STILL. Samuel is the light of my life and he brings me such joy that I feel almost honored and humbled to be able to spend this time with him because I know that it won’t be for long. Watching him grow and do little things like sitting on his own, squealing with laughter and being there to give a little more TLC since he’s had his first little cold has been just amazing and time I’m truly grateful to have. Enough gushing about my son, I could go on forever.
So when my mother-in-law asked if staying at home meant that we get rid of my helper, Angie, to cut costs, my mind IMMEDIATELY went to the scene in Sex And The City 2 where Charlotte (Kristin Davis) was telling to her friend Miranda (Cynthia Nixon) that when she contemplated that her husband could have an affair with the au pair, she said that she couldn’t loose her au pair. Now I know there are mothers that saw that scene and it was burnt into their memory because it struck such a deep cord that no matter what our “other” jobs are, we cannot and definitely will not do without our helpers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I get an amen, somebody.
If I’m honest with myself, I’m okay with this little love-fest lasting another month or so, max. I never in my life imagined staying at home purely because its such hard “work”! I want a salary of my own and lets not forget that little think called adult conversation. No offense to those you who are stay at home moms, I take my hat off to you because I realize there is no knock-off time or at least a change of scenery to help make the mental shift. All in all though, I’m happy to be right where I am, at home, on my couch with my baby boy, watching re-runs on dstv.

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